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Do you really know what Eco-friendly spray guns are?

What is an Eco-friendly spray gun?

Unlike conventional spray guns with high air pressure, low transfer efficiency. The Eco Spray Gun uses a reduced air pressure to achieve high transfer rates and reduce the paint waste, soft bounce. Simply put, this is the LOW-PRESSURE SPRAY GUN, which is less harmful to the health of operators and the environment.

What are the features of Eco-friendly spray guns?

  • Low Air Pressure

The air pressure of conventional spray guns is generally 3.5-6 bar, and the actual pressure coming out of the air cap is 3-10 bar, while the inlet pressure of eco spray guns is less than 2.5 bar, and the actual pressure coming out of the air cap is 0.7-2 bar. Even if you only have a small air compressor with power between 2-3 HP on hand, you can use environmental guns and reduce your budget.

  • High Transfer Efficiency & Less Rebound.

Improved paint utilization has led to advances in spray gun technology. Compared to conventional spray guns, eco-friendly spray guns can achieve 65% paint efficiency, reducing waste while the paint film is light and even.

Features of Eco-friendly spray gun
  • Required by VOCs directive

Generally speaking, a spray gun that meets the VOCs requirement can be classified as environmentally friendly, but what are VOCs? It is a hazardous substance that can cause health effects when exposed to high VOCs for a long time. So as early as 1995, the US EPA proposed to reduce VOC emissions, one of which was to use environmentally friendly spray guns. Since then, the European Union, Australia, China, and India have all defined whether or not a paint spraying environment meets VOCs standards. This is not only a matter of human health but also of the global climate. For further information, please visit Wikipedia for reference. 

How about the Eco-friendly spray guns in the market?

The typical mainstream types of spray guns are HVLP, LVLP, and MP, which are realized by adjusting the air pressure and airflow. The difference is that the high volume, low-pressure guns usually consume 430l/min of air, which is less efficient than the low volume guns and takes longer to spray large areas. The low-volume, low-pressure, or medium-pressure guns usually consume 290 l/min, which is trimmer and more efficient, but the atomization effect is still better than with HVLP.

How the factory makes Eco-friendly spray guns?

Procedures of the air cap

The air cap is the key to the production of Eco-friendly guns. The needle, nozzle, air cap must be processed by precision equipment. As a professional manufacturer, thanks to the experienced personnel in the factory, who know all procedures. Follow the international operating systems and control the product’s accuracy within 0.01% tolerance. At the same time, the selection of materials also requires strict control and wear-resistant, well-sealed accessories, which is why Eco-friendly spray guns will be much more expensive than conventional spray guns. It’s excellent and professional tools. 

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